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Support for individuals and families

Support for individuals and families

Find services and contact information for when you need help, support, advice or information.

It’s OK to ask for help. As we work through this together, there are people and agencies able to support you.

If you have COVID-19 symptoms, call the dedicated COVID-19 Healthline:

For any other health concerns, call the general Healthline number on 0800 611 116. You can call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Ministry of Health Website | Facebook

United Against COVID-19 Website | Facebook

Auckland Regional Public Health Website

Nationwide services

Help is available if you are experiencing financial distress

Visit the Work and Income website for urgent financial support and ongoing needs. You can apply for a main benefit online and check your eligibility for food assistance.

0800 559 009 (MSD General Line)

0800 552 002 (Seniors 65+)

0800 88 99 00 (Students)

In MyMSD you can check your payments, tell MSD about changes and apply for a benefit or NZ Super


If your income has been affected by COVID-19, you may be able to apply for financial support

Help with essential costs

Wage subsidy scheme

If you need to get a COVID-19 test

If you need to isolate

NZ citizens and residents living in Australia

You can also use the COVID-19 financial support tool on the Unite Against COVID-19 website to see what support is available to you.

Use the financial support tool

MSD can assist people who need food urgently

See Food information on the Work and Income website 

If support for food through Work and Income is not suitable as a first option, people can search the Family Services Directory for a local foodbank.

You can get financial assistance for food through Work and Income.

Learn more about how to access food and essential items

Help with essential costs 

If you’ve lost your job or can’t work at the moment you may be able to get a benefit, some other financial help, or support to find work. MSD may be able to help even if you’re working. 

Learn more about help with essential costs

Support for whānau

Whānau Ora helps whānau access health and welfare services, and meet basic needs for food, accommodation, heating, internet connectivity, water and sewerage.

You can contact Whānau Ora on:

If you feel you’re not coping, or you have concerns for others, it’s important to talk with a Health professional. The following helplines are available for people needing help.

Addiction support

The Alcohol Drug Helpline offers free support if you have concerns about your drinking and drug use, or  someone else’s. A trained counsellor is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

0800 787 797

Text 8681

Child safety

Call Oranga Tamariki if a child or young person is unsafe, not being cared for, or separated from their parents or caregivers.

0508 326 459

Elder abuse

The Elder Abuse Helpline is a free service that people can contact if they or someone they know are experiencing elder abuse. 

0800 32 668 65

Family violence services

Mental wellbeing helplines

If you feel you are not coping, it is important to talk with a health professional. There are helplines available that offer support, information and help. All services are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Sexual violence services

Stop harming

  • Hey Bro helpline — call 0800 HeyBro (0800 439 276). Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Help for men who feel they’re going to harm a loved one or whānau member
    Find out more about Hey Bro

Support for Rainbow community / LGBTQI+

Youth services

Finding a local support service

Help and support is available if you are experiencing family violence or sexual violence.

Family and sexual violence prevention helplines and services

Deaf, hearing impaired, Deafblind or speech impaired

If you are deaf, hearing impaired, Deafblind or speech impaired you can use the New Zealand Relay Service to call.

New Zealand Relay Services

Language support

Many government agencies have language support available, if English is not your first language and you need an interpreter. 

When you call a government agency for information, ask for an interpreter in your language and wait to be connected. 

Information and advice about COVID-19 is available in many languages

Finding a job

Contact Work and Income if you’re looking for work or have a vacancy that needs to be filled.

0800 779 009 (Job Search line)

Employee rights

Contact Employment NZ or visit their website for information on your rights as an employee.

0800 20 90 20

Safety at work

Contact WorkSafe for information on working safely.

0800 030 040

Information and resources for Pasifika parents, families and communities to support learning during lockdown

Info Hub for Pasifika parents during lockdown

Tulī Takes Flight Scholarships

Support services by region